Do you want your product to be labelled with the trademark Prověřeno v poušti / Proven in Desert? Have it tested by Czech Egyptologists.

Prověřeno v poušti (Proven in Desert) is a combined trademark, which is available to products and technologies that will undergo testing in the demanding conditions of the Czech archaeological concession in Abusir, Egypt or in Nubia and meet specific conditions set in advance.

The tested product or technology will undergo a practical verification of its quality and/or properties. The testing may also form a basis for technical improvements of the products. If the products or technologies succeed, their manufacturers will be entitled to use the trademark to label these products within their promotion and sale.

Proven in Desert: Make your products stand out in the European market!

Would you like to use Proven in Desert trademark for your products in markets outside the Czech Republic? You can! Proven in Desert is the English version of the Prověřeno v poušti trademark and it is available to label products in all markets of the EU member states. The conditions for obtaining the European trademark Proven in Desert are the same as for the Czech version Prověřeno v poušti.
Contact us for more information.

Which products can seek the trademark?

The testing may be undergone by a wide range of products and technologies from generators or air conditioning equipment to cameras, technical textiles, clothing and footwear. See the complete list HERE. The possibility is thus opened also to products that are not directly linked to the research plan of the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, but the specific conditions of the Czech archaeological concession in Abusir, Egypt may help check their quality.

The trademark indicates the specific quality of the proven products and technologies and the fulfilment of the properties declared by the manufacturer. The Czech Institute of Egyptology FA CU reserves the right not to award the trademark to products or technologies that do not pass the testing and fulfil the conditions for its awarding.

How does testing take place?

Expedition members take the products or technologies with them to the Czech archaeological concession in Egypt. There, the properties stated by the manufacturer are systematically checked in practice. The members of the team test the given products or technologies for an agreed period of time in the extreme conditions of the desert. The precise conditions of the testing are agreed in advance with every manufacturer, and the so-called plan of testing is drawn up. The conditions, course and results of the testing will be published on our website.

The owner of the trademark is Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.