Welcome to Prověřeno v poušti / Proven in Desert trademark website!
Do you want to show how reliable your products and technologies are?
Would you like to gain advantage over your competitors?
Are you interested in supporting Czech science?
Would you like to gain advantage over your competitors?
Are you interested in supporting Czech science?
Get your products and technologies tested in desert and receive a unique mark of quality!
Generators, air conditioners, cameras or technical textiles, clothing and footwear – these and other products and technologies can be registered and tested in the extreme conditions of archaeological research to prove their quality by the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Egypt and Nubia.

Your products and technologies may be also registered for the European trademark version of the trademark – Proven in Desert.
Want to know more? You will find all the necessary information on this website. If you have any questions, please contact us.